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Schleich 13794 Pinto Stallion

Schleich 13794 Pinto Stallion

Model Number: Schleich13794

£7.50 GBP
Schleich Farm World Pinto stallion

Item no: 13794

All Schleich figures are lovingly hand-painted with detailed modelling and allow children to learn as they play. Pintos have unique, beautiful fur drawings that give the horses more personality. Nevertheless, the Pintos do not form a separate breed. They are a colour breed, which is found in almost all breeds. The coat patterns are different in "Overo" and "Tobiano". Overos have a coloured coat with white piebald. Their head is often completely white. It's a so-called "lantern". Tobianos on the other hand, have a white coat with coloured piebald. Legs and back remain mostly white.

Launch: 01.01.2015